On christmas 2020, I got a very big gift from santa which was a bicycle. I was flabbergasted and estatic after seeing my gift. It was in dark blue color, height was 1 metre and the width was 2 metre and it was exquisite. It had a bell which sounds like “cling – cling”. It’s seat was very soft and comfortable. The wheels are very big and strong that they don’t even get punchured very easily. I love it and ride it almost everyday. But i even miss my old cycle. My father challenged me to cycle with him as he wanted to lose. Moreover, we sat on our cycle and started riding it. We went to far that I couldn’t see my own house. There was a bit of traffic. We did a round of a park and continued going straight. Then we reached the main road. All the cars were going very fast. We needed to go at the other side. So, my father helped me and we safely crossed the road. Moreover, we went to a silent road. After riding over there, we took a u-turn to come back home. I felt very happy that day. That was the best christmas EVER!!!.